Sunday, January 15, 2006

But then...

True...It isn't true...
For what is true-is seen-and
what is seen,alone,is accepted,
by the millions unseen.

But then...
what is "felt"??...
what is felt is impure,
it's ugly and rejected...
and in cases this kind-
most severely objected...

But then...
but then I know,
that It is purer than seen,
and its beauty,
is beyond acceptance...
Just a form it lacks,
and that is the joy complete!

And yet...
True-It isn't...
It "is"-for its felt;
It "is" not-for its not seen!

But then...
If mere "existence" dictated "truth",
(and not the "sight" of it)
And if all that is,hence, "true"
was encouraged and accepted,
And all that gained acceptence,
also gained a form...
would it kill "the joy"???

Is it this private joy that I seek??
Or is it the imbroglio that follows...??
Is it this nothingness that I want??
Or the completeness it assures...??
Is it this precarious trust that I expect??
Or the lack of it that allures me...
Is it this formless sequence that I love??
But then...Why do I feel,that this is It...??


Anonymous Anonymous said...

R u sure this is it??plz write me a mail on this post...but the cryptic part of it is jus amazing....nice play babes..

11:20 AM, January 17, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

loads of attitude coming through...

3:24 PM, January 22, 2006  

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