Saturday, October 29, 2005

Stupid Cupid!!

It was a beautiful Summer dawn...The sun waking up with its hazy rays streching out.The birds yawning wide to welcome the day.The trees swaying as the happy winds race through gently...

He wakes up to see
the angry face of hers
She drops a dish intentionally
and starts out to curse

The tiny pup,barely days old,hops n runs about, as its tiny booty oscillates."She'll grow up to win just too many hearts", the mommy dog thinks as she looks with pride at her Little Princess

"why would you even think
of moving your lazy butt?
so long as you just eat and drink
we'll never grow out of this hut"

The ants marching along the corners of the walls...those two cozy anties there,rubbing their weeny noses and exchanging "my apple pie-my sugar berg" looks and parting at once in total anonymity...

"Stop your usual song
and stand by me for once
I agree I was totally wrong
but I had to quit that dunce"

The indecent intimacy they shared made the she pigeon blush."he has a wierd beak...but what the heck,he's a rare find" isn't everyday that one finds someone who can make u fall in love wid yourself.

"Dont you blame my bro
for your faults inborn
he just wanted you to grow
and you quit!you dim moron!!"

The dew drop that was jamming on top of the baby leaf,lost balance and glided through the loaded breeze to emerge into the pond with a surprise filled "tip"...she just found her "other drop!"

"oh yea!You are always right!
and true,I'm a ne'er do well
but your freaking lust to fight
will sure drag you to hell!!"

The flower was almost on the wane,as the bee was unusually late.The breeze tried to calm her down but it was only the sight of the bee that made her glow encore.he came-She saw- He conqured!!

"Oh!!Hell??? That's where I live;
and I'm no witch to whine
I just dont like the reasons you give
for not finding a job thats 'fine' "

The chicks giggled as the mommy hen woke up with sheer panic and looked shocked and lost as the rooster dadda stealthily picked her back to wake her up!The mommy sulked as she registered that the chicks were in the act too!Dadda runs after her...

"It's not like I've been so forever
and its not long until I win.
thought we'd deal with this together
now I realise how wrong I have been..."

She swallowed a lump of guilt,but the next one was ready to be swallowed,and the knots kept on forming.He now understood what exactly she meant everytime she said "You are very clumsy with your words".His eyes shut in regret and he let out a deep sigh.The tap stopped watering the dishes and her eyes took over the job.

"ok.I didn't mean it that way
but I'm equally worried
I just want to let the past go
but you dig up what for me is buried"

" I have always been by you
and the rest you know as well
I just pray these days are few
and that you-you too end up in hell!!"

He, as always, took time to get there.She loved the look on his face everytime she would say smthing quick and he would go blank trying to de-code the shot.He looked away,smiling and shaking his head in disbelief.He loved her wit.She loved that priceless look on his face which read " Wait!!Dont get mad...I need time to understand"...Her hands were soapy,so he wiped away her wet nose...The soap now transferred onto his shirt!Stupid Cupid!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

cute poem!like I told you offline,at once funny and apple pie-ish:)


8:40 AM, October 31, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i find the poem crytic....any thought as to y?????????
mail me on it ok.
love u

1:47 AM, November 18, 2005  
Blogger divya said...

no sweets,nothing cryptic there(if im thinking right!!).just a dreamy thought...

3:21 PM, November 18, 2005  

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