Saturday, July 09, 2005

“Chill!! The World doesn’t come to an end!!!

Scene 1: In the college, while making charts for the freshers’ day, about a dozen of us were in the hall with all the craft materials cutting, pasting, and having a blast. A sticky, slimy pot full of mucky yellow glue descended all the way from the table top to land with a plop on Soheli’s new sequined kurti!!! This is what follows:

Swe (with her usual sardonic concern!) : “What’s this entire hullabaloo for???”
Soheli: “It’s my first anniversary gift and this is the first time I’m wearing it!
Swe: “Anniversary! Of what??”
Soheli: “of our love!!! He gifted it to me just last week and now it’s ruined!!”
Swe: “halloo??? Strike this with a hammer! The world doesn’t come to an end!!!”
We were startled at her bluntness! Swetha’s always very straight. But there are some things that need to be sugarcoated (although Swe doesn’t agree!)!Anyway, the drama terminated there and the day went on to give birth to several months.

Scene 2: I’m at home as usual, wondering. And I couldn’t help but be handcuffed with the truth that Swe was right then! True enough! The world did not end at that…It won’t when you flunk unexpectedly; it won’t when a slimy, healthy, black, spotted, hyper active lizard falls on you; it won’t when any of our trusted sidekicks plays the Judas; it won’t when you’re filled with compunction after having killed the annoying, juicy mosquito sucking your precious blood… it won’t until it has to!
I thought my world would end the day I had to leave Hosur to settle in Hyderabad. The memories, the irreplaceable buddies, the dear childhood sweethearts, and the terrorizing pranks we’d play on others…But I’ve lived through it all and eight years have gone by without much pain.
I thought so when we gave doogie away. He didn’t belong to my species, yes. But he was indeed a piece of my soul. He had THE most comforting eyes and was an incorrigible brat! I missed him for years then on and I still do. But the world lived on and so did I!
I felt my world was shrinking when swe left to the US. My alter-ego was ripping apart, miles apart. I wondered if I’d ever find a close substitute to my Libra-Scorpio journal! I cried. I wondered. I survived. And I still am, well aware of the fact that, I will until “then”.
Are these the ways of life? Or are these symptoms of an irreparably ego-centric maniac? Am I so self absorbed that, now, no matter what, I’ve tuned myself to go on, to adjust, to exist?? Is it a sign of self-alienation?? Is it an indication of a dramatically lonely “end”? I hope not, coz loneliness, I can’t fight…
But if I keep getting accustomed to the way things change, one day I’ll end up having nothing, no one! No shoulder to cry on; No one to slap while laughing heartily; No one to run to for advice; No one to enjoy the communicative silence with; no one to shoot thoughts at;
No one to criticize; No one to pat my back in appreciation; No one to live with; No one to live for…
Not like any of these matters, coz, the world doesn’t come to an end anyway!!!


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