Thursday, July 07, 2005


After an eternal five second pause, I reacted, “ummmm…. ohhh!!! Well…. hmmm (with a giggle)...Ok???!!! ” and to avoid any sudden outburst of my boisterous laughter, I swam to the other end with a never before speed and called out for the coach myself! Trust me; hearing “those” words from “her” at “that” time was ineffably hillllarious!!! Days have passed by since then, but those words keep ringing in my ears to bring a smile on my face, n’importe quand!
Sorry, I don’t talk to guys” were the six magical words that Miss. Humungous eyes with short-stubby lashes had uttered to me that summer afternoon. What happened then was that, one of the rather new swimmers was kind of struggling in the deeper end of the pool and the coach was called for. I gestured “the loved one” (to be translated) to call out for the coach as she was closest to him. It was then that I heard these words of ultimate feminism! I was baffled beyond words!
I have wondered about the possibility of the existence of such a creature ever since. Have the young girls today reached such a state of independence that they can do without even talking to their male counterparts? The statement also forced me to consider her “preferences”. Yet, I couldn’t come up with anything strong enough to support her decision of not “talking” to guys! Well, it could be some incident that had forced her to embrace this extreme display of feminism, but I know her too well to believe that! Her friends were too loud and obnoxious for me to believe that she was being “pious”. I wondered if she had a brother. I thought about her social life (assuming she had one!).I even wondered about her “will power”, because I strongly believe in the saying that it takes more effort to ignore a person! What about her cousins?

“Sorry, I don’t talk to guys”
Was the emphasis on “I” in that sentence to suggest that it is supposed to be the guy who should make the first move? But the situation then in the pool was crucial and she couldn’t wait for the coach to ask her what had happened! Was the emphasis on “talk” to suggest that she was a woman of “action” and not of words! But this assumption failed too, as it did not fit the situation! Was the emphasis on “guys” suggesting her inclination towards “older men”, or perhaps “something or some one else”! Well, whatever she meant, she sure has left me with a source of wonder and a source so profound that I can spend hours on this subject!
I travel the entire universe with this single statement. One thought leads to another and, thus, very soon, I find myself amidst a million inexplicable realities. I think of man’s wants, desires, “temptations”, his preposterous decisions, his absurdities, his blind sight, his narrow mindedness, his limitations, his restricted thought process, his myopic view points, his masked face, his flawed image, his social obligations, his boot-licking bond with the society, his obstreperous calm, his dubious beliefs, his passion for the wrong, his unawareness of the right, his quest for evanescence, his irregularities, his aversion to facts, and what not.
May be her innocent sentence just played the trick on me! Or may be I am culpable of thinking too much (like I am told most often)! May be each of us have our own profound sources of entering into the jungle of “wonder”. Well…I just need an excuse to enter the Oh-so-inviting jungle, and the only thing I end up with at the end of each trip is this truth: “human brain is beyond human comprehension”. And I have to drop it at that for my mother invariably calls me by then, for it is a long and brain racking journey way back home!


Blogger Gandaragolaka said...

who is the author of this magificient write?

5:42 PM, July 07, 2005  
Blogger divya said...

c'mon kedar!
why??its me!donno if its a loaded question or wat u hav there....but yeah...its my product!

10:44 PM, July 07, 2005  
Blogger Gandaragolaka said...

aah! how dense of me... it seemed to me a guy was writing the whole thing...

I guess I am allowed such lapses in comprehension!

9:32 AM, July 08, 2005  
Blogger divya said... sorry about the obscurity there!all the same...its a gal who wrote it!

12:39 PM, July 08, 2005  
Blogger Aakarsh said...

blogspot should come up with emoticons..right now i need the emoticon for claps!!

1:13 PM, July 09, 2005  

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